foster care
Facility #33790029
Family Health & Support Network, Inc provides 24/7 foster care services to displaced children in three local counties; Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange counties of Southern California. We take pride in making the best placement possible for the children who are referred to us.
So that we accomplish this, we recruit individuals and couples who share our passion for quality, compassionate care, and supervision. We seek to include people in our Network who understand the unique challenges our children face. Moreover, who are capable and willing to open not just their homes and their hearts to care for a child that is not their own. We need individuals who will work alongside our professional and well-trained staff and other professionals providing services to ensure our children receive the best care possible during their stay with us.
We understand that being a foster/resource parent is challenging. Also, we have high expectations for our resource parents, but we do not expect that you will do it alone. We are here to help guide you through the process and will remain with you in difficult times and during your association with our Network. We desire that you will have a rewarding experience and will align with our belief that being a resource parent is an extremely honorable thing to do.
minor dependents
Our minor dependent program is focused on children and youth age 0-18 who have been removed from their homes as victims of abuse, neglect or abandonment. Children requiring a safe, nurturing home with well-trained and compassionate resource parents are referred to us from local counties to be placed in our approved homes.
Often times children come to us with just the cloths on their backs. Afraid and confused about their situations, they rely on the compassion and understanding of the parents we have approved to care for them.
teen population
The painful reality is that many individuals seeking to provide foster care support are not interested in supporting teens. Their confidence in parenting teens may be affected by the common challenge's teens present. But for some, living with and supporting a displaced teen can be one of the most rewarding experiences of their life.
Our teen treatment, for the most part, is strength based and behaviorally oriented. We believe in focusing on the strengths and potential of our teens empowers the development of confidence. Through encouraging, supporting, and pushing our teens, it is the goal that teens value themselves, make the most of opportunities and resources, and find a vision for their future.
What's tougher than being a pregnant teenager? Try being a pregnant teen in foster care.
After years of steady decline, teen pregnancy rates are rising around the country. But the numbers for girls in the foster care system have reached epidemic levels indeed. FHSN is committed to identifying resource families who have a desire and are willing to be trained to support this population.
ab12 non-minor dependents
AB12, the California Fostering Connections to Success Act was signed into law on September 30, 2010. Basically, it allows young adults to remain in foster care until age 21. The act provides many options for non-minor dependents in foster care. One of the options is that they can be placed in an approved foster home with resource parents who are willing to engage with youth and help them know their voices really matter. Resource parents are needed to provide safe and nurturing home environments for young adults seeking to become emancipated from the Foster Care System and help them obtain the skills necessary to live independently as an adult.
Young adults participat9ing in the AB12 program must be attending school, working a minimum of 80 per month or be disabled.
isfc - intensive services foster care
Intensive Treatment Foster Care (ITFC) services are provided in a resource parent home setting for children/youth with serious emotional and/or behavioral issues. It is intended to move children/youth with high level issues from group home/Short Term Residential Treatment Program (STRTP) care to family-based care, by providing intensive in-home therapeutic and behavior-management services. Some children/youth may receive these services as an alternative to placement in group home/STRTP care, without ever having to reside in a group home/STRTP facility. ITFC homes provide close supervision and implement a structured, individualized program for each child. ITFC homes blends the normalizing features of resource family care with intensive counseling, case management, and support services. Resource parents are recruited, trained, and supported to become part of the treatment team.
ITFC resource parents must meet the minimum resource family care requirements as well as; have resource family care experience or experience working with this population; be at least 25 years old, and complete 60 hours certification training.